Short-Term Project Requests

The JLKCMO Action Team (A-Team) provide assistance to nonprofit agencies by offering volunteers for community-based events on a short-term basis. Volunteers can help with events such as picnics, food bank distribution, holiday drives, fundraising events, just to name a few areas of assistance. Volunteer placements are generally scheduled in three-hour shifts over a time span of a half-day, one-day, or two-day periods. A single shift may not exceed five hours a day.

A-Team can fulfill requests for:

  • 5 to 15 volunteers
  • 1 or 2-day event or community projects
  • Shifts ranging 2 to 5 hours (multiple shifts may be requested)

Our volunteers are typically available for evening and weekend events.


The 2023-2024 A-Team is currently accepting volunteer requests for events/projects occurring between September 1, 2023 – May31, 2024.


Click here to submit an A-Team request.